This cleansing shower spell that work fast it has been able to help millions of people around the world. spell should be saved for that moment when you need to get rid of negative energy fast. This is the spell to do after a difficult conversation, a disappointment, or getting a parking ticket. When you get caught in some negative energy, close your eyes and imagine water cascading down your body, washing away all the bad. You can visualize yourself in your shower, under a waterfall or standing in a gentle summer rain. Allow the power of the water to restore your balance.

Morning Drink Ritual

Create a witchy ritual around your favorite morning drink. It doesn’t matter what your drink of choice is. Coffee, tea, orange juice, and water will all work for this ritual.

As you pour the liquid into your cup, bless it by thanking the Universe for providing you with nourishing fluids. Set an intention for your day as you savor your drink. Notice any elements of nature that are in play here. There’s the water in your tea, the coffee beans come from the earth, and the steam represents air.

Intention Jar

Get a jar and place it somewhere you know you’ll notice it at least once a day. Set a pad of post-its or notecards beside the jar along with a writing utensil.

Whenever you have an intention you’d like to manifest, write it on the paper and drop it into the jar. This intention can be super specific like, “I make fifty thousand dollars a year.” or it can be something vague like, “Patience”.

Whenever you want to review your intentions, pick one from your jar and spend a moment visualizing that intention.

Discard any intentions that no longer serve you.

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