The introverts love spell that work fast  it has been able to help millions of people around the world.This spell isn’t just for introverts. It’s for anyone who needs a boost of confidence before interacting with other people, such as at parties, speeches, job interviews, or family dinners.

Start by creating a sacred space around you and connecting to your power. Next, interlace your fingers behind your back. If that’s uncomfortable for you, simply relax your shoulders down away from your ears. Imagine your shoulder blades drawing together as your chest and heart opens up to the space in front of and above you. Speak (or think) an affirmation while in this position.

Example Affirmations:

“Everything I need is within.”

“The power of the Universe flows through me.”

“I’m magic.”

It doesn’t matter what you chose to say as long as it’s positive and makes you feel ready to face the world. Saying something like, “I will not mess this up.” won’t work because it puts the focus on “messing up”.

One Card Draw

Grab your favorite magical card deck and ask, “What do I need today?” Then draw a card. If you’re using an oracle deck or tarot deck, use your intuition to connect with the meaning of the card. Notice if the card’s meaning shows up anywhere as you go through your day.

If you don’t have a “magical” deck, use a regular deck of playing cards. Ask, “What do I need for today?” and draw a card. Remember the card’s number and if you see that number anywhere, pay attention. It could be an important message. In addition to the numbered cards, you can think of jacks as elevens, queens as twelves, kings as thirteens and aces as ones.

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