This  voodoo spells instructions it has been able able to help millions of people around the world. On the first day, make on green, red and silver ribbon seven knots, together there will be 21 knots. Then, bind together 7 cinnamon sticks with green, red and silver ribbon.

Place on the altar 7 nice and tasteful green apples. They will stay there during all seven days.

Place on the altar (into a small bowl) copper coins with value of 49 cents. (It can be also coins of another currency, but they have to be from copper, or it can be some jewel or thing from copper.)

On the fourth day of the ritual, buy 7 roses. Before you place them on the altar, bind them together with silver ribbon (ribbon will have also 7 knots). Roses have to be fresh and nice, so that they stay beautiful till the end of the ritual!

Magical paper: draw with compass on the parchment paper a circle with the diameter of 21 cm. Construct a regular heptagon and cut it out (look at the example on the photograph).

Draw the outline of the heptagon with green marker, then, draw to the right side the green square and draw inside the sigil of Hagiel. To the left side, draw with your own blood your first name and the first name of your dream partner in a way, that they cross each other (use if possible the letters, which are the same).

Draw under your and partner’s names with green marker names VenusHagielJahwe, and with red marker names of four archangels RaphaelGabrielMichael and Uriel. All names are written on the left side in a way you like. Write with black marker the name of JAHWE in hebrew below, to the right.

DAY 1: (everything is ready, including the heptagon)

Lit the candles (from left to right), sit down, relax and visualise yourself and your dream partner to be happy together. Focus on this image for at least 20 seconds maximum 7 minutes. Feel it vividly, how it is to be with him/her. Then say:

“So be it, so it is happening. I accept the will of God. Divine light, thank you for the balance and peace, which is within me. I accept everything, what I cannot change. Thank you for the courage and power to change, what can be changed. Thank you for wisdom to distinguish what is right for me.”

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